
We are always happy to get your support. You can come and join our work aswell there are other ways to support us. Here is a list.

— Come to Lesvos and join NoBorderSquats —

You have free time and want to jonour project? then come and be part of NoBorderSquats! There are different projects already running:

  • language classes: English classes, Alphabeth classes, German classes…
  • swimming course
  • football and volleyball teams
  • hospital support
  • legal support
  • “cooking party”: we are cooking now once a week for people from Kara Tepe, Moria and Mytilene

You are always free to bring your own ideas to the projects or create/start new project. We have ideas abour for example a painting project or its always helpfull to expand the Language classes with your skills.

The situation is always changing a lot on this island so please contact us to get more and up to date informaion about your stay on Lesvos and your part and work at NoBorderSquat.

We recommend a long-term stay to arrive at the place and integrate your potential. But we are always glad about people who want to be part of that movement.

— Financal support —

For our work also financal support is really important. So we can go for the things which are on list below on our own and aswell for individual support for example medicine. Please contact us for the bank details and your individual questions.

— Material(s) —

Here is a summerized list of our needs of materials/ food. It is all really important for our work and life in the squats.

  •  big backpacks (40 to 80 liters)

Cooking materials

  • cooker (which fit to our gas bottles) or/ and gas bottles
  • pots: big (cooking project) and small (everyday use) ones
  • cooking utensils


  • specially fruits and vegetables for vitamins
  • onions, potatoes, canned tomatoes and tomato paste
  • lentils, beans, flour, rice, chick peas
  • spices (specially chilli, pepper, salt, curry, …)
  • sugar
  • tea bags and coffee
  • cups Chai/ water/ …

household aids and tools

  • mosquito spray
  • colours (outside for painting project)
  • big brews (for keep the hall cleaned)
  • basic tradesmen tools (hammer, scruels and nails, circular hand saw, …)
  • first-aid kit (bandages, medicaments, pain killer, …)

project aid

  • study material for language classes (English books, Alphabeth books, …)
  • footballs, volleyballs, …
  • Football shorts and shirts

If you have more questions and want to get more information about our work and in which way you can upport us, please feel free to contact us.