Lesvos Update 18/07/2017

Hi all

An update about the situation in Lesvos, which is only escalating:

On 10th July there was a fire in Moria camp which completely burnt down the lawyer, medical, and Eurorelief containers. There were no casualties. The fire was started by a group of African refugees who felt that taking such a serious measure as this is now the only way to speak up against the system which continues to cause refugees much stress. One African refugee received papers which said he was to be deported back to his home country. Many Africans were outraged and went to the police there to say that either all Africans should be deported or none. The police responded violently which caused the refugees to react by burning Moria. See the video of this on our Facebook page.

Another fire occurred today in Moria. Many people, women and children included, had to be evacuated away from the camp. These situations will continue to happen until the peoples’ voices are heard.

Violence is only increasing among refugees in Lesvos as people are waiting longer and longer with nothing to do – some are waiting eighteen months only to be told they will be deported. Our squat is also experiencing the same problem. Refugees left their countries to seek freedom only to be kept for so long in the prison that is Moria.
Furthermore, Moria is introducing a new system of money giving refugees slightly more money, but food will no longer be served in the camp. The washrooms and toilets are not fit to be called satisfactory living conditions.

Lesvos is a jail due to lack of rights and ill treatment to refugees. Several refugees from our squat were sent to hospital with serious injuries due to a car accident only to be discharged 5 days later back to the squat as this is all the healthcare that they are covered for. One was then sent back to hospital several days after as volunteer doctors who visit the squat discovered serious back injuries in one person.

The treatment of police to refugees in the city is also creating tension among people, which will only cause refugees to become more violent. Refugees will be randomly stopped to spend a long time with police to check their papers, some will be taken to the police station for further checks for no reason whatsoever.

However, we will continue to work around the system and ensure we have a strong community with the 61 refugees in No Border Squat – regularly having communal events and reinforcing our goal to never back down.
With Love,

No Border Squat