Cooking party – Layat al-Qadr

Hello everybody!

On Wednesday night we had a party downstairs in the hall of one of our squatted buildings to celebrate Layat al-Qadr. Everybody was welcome to enjoy the food brought to you by everybody living here. Together we were prepairing the party as organizing, cooking and providing sitting and eating places. Around 250 people came to celebrate with us.

What is Layat al-Qadr? 

It means the “Night Of Destiny”. It is an Islamic observance which marks the night of Prophet Mohammed received the first verses of the Qu’ran and was told to spread the word of Islam. Therefore it was the first day of Qu’ran.


Thanks to all who came to celebrate with us this anniversary! It was a huge success and really nice to host all our guests.

Greetings and hugs from NoBorderSquat-Team.

Hello World!

Hello everybody! “We are here”, here on Lesvos island in the Squat, outside of Moria, as a sign against inhuman conditions, racism, facism and social exclusion. We are a non-hierarchical, self-organized group made up of refugees and activists from all around the world.

Our aim is to create a social place where “refugees” and “volunteers” can live together at the same level and where friends from all around the world have a home to stay; a home where we can feel comfortable and united.

Our project tries to find a peaceful way for people to live together in times of oppression and injustice.

We find a way to live in 2 squatted buildings with around 60 to 80 persons from 9 different nations, while we are respecting and helping each other, regardless of our origin.

The political sitiuation in the world poses new problems every day. Each person who is living here has an individual story, individual thoughts and individual problems.
We try to minimize the frustration and the pressure as an united group as good as possible.
For this the aspect of social-work in our squats is a very important part of our daily life.

We believe in our capacity to resist the regime of devastation that is undermining those aspects of our lives that we cherish the most: freedom to move, to share and to create relations of respect and curiosity.

We are not here to judge the people for their past, how they have been before and in what situation they where in. The only thing that matters is how the people are behaving now and where they see themselves in the future, regardless of what they`ve been in the past. In fact, we try to accompany everybody on the way to this future.

All people receive boxes containing general food and cooking utensils. This way, everybody is free to create their own daily routine. We are also working together to keep the place clean and comfortable.

We have different smaller and bigger projects running. For example …

… On Sundays we are creating a social space where we provide a communal kitchen and coffee, tea and water for all people. Everybody is working together; cooking and welcoming our guests.

… Playing sports together on the field in the big hall of one squat is another important part of the day. There are self-organized football, volleyball and basketball teams.

… Also, we try to support each other in earning different languages, alphabeth, cultures and anything else that shows up in our daily life. 

Our No Border Social Squats is a political statement that rejects the ideas and political acts of the European Union. We want to make clear that it is not an option to close, build or preserve borders. We believe that the fortress of Europe and its borders must be destroyed. For a free movement of all humans – for showing humanity and solidarity.

Everybody who wants to show the political statement of squatting and help in times of injustice is welcome to come and live with us. As individuals of different backgrounds, we adhere to the broad terms of Anti-fascism, Anti-racism and Anti-sexism.

The continuation of political and economical systems, built out of war, injustice and exploitation, forces people to migrate.
We reject the ongoing mobilization of massive resources for the purpose of controlling and restricting the migration of those deemed ‘undesirable’ or lacking worth to the capitalistic system.
We also reject the increasing militarization of our societies and the erection of walls and borders. We want to fight the distinctions the state and media make between “good” and “bad” migrants based on labels like “refugees”, “economic migrants”, “innocent victims” or “criminals.” We believe in unconditional freedom of movement for all.

We keep this page updated about our work in the squat and news from Lesvos – so see you soon!

Greetings from NoBorderSquat-Team