Call Out!

Call out for people who want to join our group in the upcoming months, aswell we need support for our projects.

As a result of the political decisions of the European Union, many people are being trapped on the island Lesvos.

In March 2016, the European Union agreed with Turkey that refugees who arrive illegally on the island can be sent back to Turkey if their asylum request is rejected. All reports about the positive effects and consequences of the EU-Turkey-Deal are political lies.  Many refugees have been stuck on the island for more than a year; they cannot move in any direction, neither to the mainland nor back to Turkey.

Most of the people have been stranded here for 8 to 14 months. It takes an endless time of waiting to move forward–waiting for the first interview, waiting for the second interview, waiting for the result.

That waiting time, the bleak news from your home country, the separation from your family, and the general insecurity about future life is putting much pressure on each individual.

We are not willing to let the people live in the oppressive conditions of the Moria Camp while waiting for an insecure future. We do not accept police brutality and the increasing number of Frontex officials controlling the borders. We are furthermore not willing to support a system that sends people back to the “safe military camps” Turkey or to their home countries where they face uncertainty, persecution or death.

We want to create a place where people can support each other in a strong community. 60 to 80 people from 9 different nations with different backgrounds are living together in the Squat.

A place where refugees and volunteers can live as equals and have a home to stay; a home where all can feel accepted and be treated with respect. Our project tries to find a peaceful way for people to live together, while respecting and helping each other, regardless of our origins.

The different political situations here on Lesvos, in Europe, and in the countries of origin causes frustration; We are surrounded by disappointment and problems. Each person who is living here has an individual story, individual thoughts and individual problems. We try to minimize the frustration and the pressure as a united group as much as possible.

The aspect of social-work in our squats is a very important part of our daily life. We have some running projects: there are different classes (English, German, basic literacy, etc.), football and volleyball teams, swimming classes, and some legal and hospital support. The daily work also needs to be done, such as cleaning the area or some repair work. As a non-hierarchical, self-organized group individuals are always welcome to develop their own ideas and projects. The squat is always in progress. Everybody who wants to come to join is welcomed. Feel free to contact us!

We need support for our running projects, as well.  If you want to support us but do not have the time to come here we also need the financial support to handle our daily life such as daily materials for repairs and cleaning work to keep the squats in humane condition. Your help is greatly appreciated.

Rote Hilfe OG Salzwedel
IBAN: DE93 4306 0967 4007 2383 12
Comment: No Border Squat Lesvos

For up to date information, please check our blog and our account on facebook.

If you have some questions about our work, volunteering or supporting, feel free to contact us on our facebook page or by e-mail or by phone.

  • Facebook Page:
  • e-mail:
  • Phone: +44 7429 537482

Please share this call out via other mailing lists and with interested individuals and contact us if you are planning to come to the island.

Greetings from all of team of NoBorderSquatLesvos!